Creative Ways To Get More Exercise When You’re Short On Time

Creative Ways To Get More Exercise When You’re Short On Time

Creative Ways To Get More Exercise When You’re Short On Time

We make millions of excuses when we really don’t want to go to the gym. Sometimes you’re tired, and sometimes you don’t have time. Either way, you are telling yourself that it’s okay to not work out today. But deep down you know that even a little workout would be better for you.

Exercise reduces your fatigue, and stress, regulates your blood circulation, lifts your mood, and even helps you lose weight. This means you need some practical ways to do more exercise even when you do not have time.

The following 6 creative ways ensure you help you workout in almost all situations.

1. Micro-Workouts Throughout The Day

Instead of doing one long exercise session, try to break down your workout routine into smaller chunks. Do micro-workouts for 5-10 minutes in a day.

Simple exercises like planks, squats, push-ups, or lunges can be performed anywhere at home, office, watching TV, or during short breaks from work.

These little warm up sessions ensure to keep you active without demanding any additional time from your busy schedule.

2. Turn Commutes Into Cardio

Try to change your transportation mode. If you are using the car to do every single errand before, it’s time to say goodbye to it. If you’re going somewhere nearby, walk or bike there. If you can’t go there without a car, then park your car somewhere far away. Then you can walk the rest of the distance.

This way you can easily transform your transportation medium into a healthy cardio exercise. Embracing active commutes helps you maintain your health.

3. Deskercise

Usually, desk jobs involve longer working hours, where you sit all day and work from your desk. This makes your lifestyle a little hectic. Prolonged sitting in the same place in the same position leaves a negative imprint on your overall health.

You can incorporate desk workouts in your working hours. Simple leg lifts, stretching, mobility workouts, and some seated exercises would be of great help to your health.

These exercises do not draw attention from peers and they also improve blood circulation, increase flexibility, and reduce the chances of getting muscle strains.

4. Family Fitness Fun

If your whole family has a busy schedule, then turn your personal time into fun and fitness sessions. Engage in outdoor activities that everyone can love and enjoy. You can go for a hike on the weekend, ride a bike in the evening, play a game in your garden, or do other physical activities. Whatever you choose, it would help your family to stay active, and healthy, and empower your relationships.

5. Interval Training

If you want to do cardio but do not get enough time due to a busy schedule, then interval training is best for you. The incorporation of intense training for a short period with long intervals of rest significantly improves your heart health.

A HIIT session of 20 minutes would give the same result as any other longer intense workout. You can find multiple quick HIIT routines online.

6. Leverage Technology

Get help from technology to get the most out of your short time. Virtual classes, fitness apps, and online exercise videos allow you to choose the intensity and duration as per your comfort.

You can opt for a yoga session after waking up in the morning or do some stretches during your break with these technologies. This significantly takes less of your time and you can work anywhere without going to the gym within your time.

When you have limited time, you have to think of other conventional options to stay active. Exercise does not limit you to only gyms and intense workout routines. You can incorporate easy and simple workout moves into your daily life. Your body needs rest after continuous work and a busy schedule. With these little warm-up moments, you can get your concentration and focus back. They also make your life much more lively and healthy.



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