Wellness Tumbnail

Wellness Tumbnail

No matter how trivial the word “wellness” may sound, almost everyone you ask will probably give you an answer that is too narrow or too broad. Many people are confused because wellness is in itself a word that has multiple facets. In this blog post you are going to learn about the various aspects of wellness that remain important for an individual’s overall well-being.

In general, there are eight different types of wellness, and all of them hold the same significance. Here is a list of what they are and why they are important.

1. Physical wellness: this is the first type of wellness, and the very obvious one as well. This kind of wellness deals with a person’s physical health. Therefore, the absence of any ailment is a basic definition of it. So, if a person is free from any sort of disease and abnormal conditions, they are physically well.

2. Mental wellness: the second facet of wellness is about mental well-being. This refers to a person’s life where they do not face mental challenges like depression, anxiety and stress. Mental wellbeing is as important as any other aspect of wellness, and things like meditation and yoga are beneficial for it.

3. Social wellness: Social wellness refers to having a social network that is strong enough to support and guide whenever it is required. This means your capacity to develop and foster positive social relationship.

4. Intellectual wellness: As the name suggests, this type of wellness particularly involves learning new things and expanding one’s own intellectual horizons. This can include reading, being aware of what is going around the world and keeping an eye out for new opportunities.

5. Emotional wellness: This means having the capabilities to deal with emotional challenges and to be emotionally sound. Apart from possessing the capabilities in oneself, this also means to be able to seek help in times of emotional challenges.

6. Spiritual wellness: This aspect of wellness includes one’s beliefs and ethics that are essential in guiding their lives. Understanding one’s own motivation and values in life can help in making life more peaceful.

7. Financial wellness: Financial wellness means to be capable of making decisions that are beneficial financially. This also includes planning strategically for future financial wellbeing.

8. Environmental wellness: As it is very clear from the name, this kind of wellness is about your external self. This comprises of taking care of the environment, and also ensuring that you take care of your personal surroundings.


From the above listing of the various aspects of wellness, it is evident that wellness is not a narrowly defined concept. Wellness, in the broadest sense, encompasses everything from your physical health to your environmental wellness. As an individual, to be well, it is therefore, very essential to take care of all of these aspects. Only when you are healthy in all eight aspects, then you are well. The next time anyone asks you what wellness is, remember it is a culmination of eight different yet important aspects.





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